Python 3 and NLTK

Python currently exists in two main variations: python version 2.x and version 3.x. Python 3 is now over 4 years old, but is not backwards compatible with python 2. This means all programs and libraries written in python 2 will need to be reprogrammed to work with python 3. I initially planned on using python 3-64 bit since it offers the latest features and best performance, but I was totally unable to get it to work. NLTK is an open source project primarily supported by professors and students, and relies on a number of mathematical libraries provided by other groups. Because of these, it has not been fully ported to Python 3 (it is only in alpha stage) and I was not able to get it working properly using python 3. In addition, I wasn’t even able to get it working with Python 2.x/32 bit as some of the required 3rd party libraries are not available compiled for 64 bit platforms. There are various unofficial 64 builds, along with the option of compiling from source, but both of those can be problematic.

So for now, anyone wishing to use the NTLK is stuck with python 2-32 bit. This definitely reduces the value of the tool, especially for learning purposes, as it will require learning an already outdated language to use. I am continuing with python 2 and the NLTK since I did not find anything else that offered similar functionality.